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Interface Devices and Controllers

Kodak Optical Storage Interface 6800-P

Eastman Kodak Co

Kodak Optical Storage Interface 6800-P (KOSI) is an optical storagesubsystem that looks like a high-performance, Pertec-type tape drive tohost minicomputers, allowing users to store and retrieve data on Kodak14-inch optical disk media. KOSI can be plugged into a SPARC-basedworkstation with a standard tape controller, providing users with a fullmagnetic tape and optical disk management subsystem that is controlled bythe standard utilities in the system.No modifications to the host operating system utilities are necessary.KOSI operates in three modes. In the online mode, data can be writtendirectly to an optical disk. In the pass-through mode, data can bewritten directly to an attached Pertec drive. In the offline mode, filescan be copied from disk to disk, disk to tape, or tape to disk.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Device drivers for each particular SunOS level Pertec interface card
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Eastman Kodak Co
460 Buffalo Rd
Rochester, NY 14652-3801
Phone: (716) 253-9146
Fax: (716) 588-0561